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Settings functionality provides different setting options for the users like SMTP, SMS, Storage, STS App Development. The user can directly view these settings on the portal itself.


The user can click on the SMTP option in the settings page to view SMTP configurations as shown in the below image.


The smtp details include From email, smtp port, smtp host, smtp auth, attachment, username and password.

The user can click on the SMS option in the settings page to view SMS configurations as shown in the below image.


This includes to and from number and provider details with accessid and access token.

The user can click on the Storage option in the settings page to view Storage configurations as shown in the below image.


It displays the data server details of the user with the number of drives and storage space as shown in the above image.


The user can click on the STS App development option in the settings page to view STS and portal development details like accessID and secret key for each as shown in the above image.