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"ws" Source

Receives and decodes image frames published through Nimble's WebSocket API and creates a new metadata object for each one.



This source doesn't require any additional properties except for the source parameter type, however Nimble currently requires an address property for all sources, so an empty string can be used to satisfy the requirement.

WebSocket API Endpoint

Image frames can be published to this source using the Source Publish WebSocket endpoint.

Publish Options (Query Parameters)

  • format: The format of the images that will be published through the WebSocket API. There are two valid options:
    • jpeg: A complete JPEG image.
    • rgb: A raw RGB image (24 bits / 3 bytes per pixels).
  • width: The width (in pixels) of each image that will be published. Required when format=rgb.
  • height: The height (in pixels) of each image that will be published. Required when format=rgb.



Create Source:

"type": "ws",
"address": ""

Configuration File

- type: ws
address: ""